Did you know not all coffee beans are created equal?

Hello Rudy Coffee fans! Did you know that not all coffee beans are created equal? There are two main varieties of coffee beans: Arabica and Robusta. You can see how they differ in size & shape below. The Robutsa beans are smaller and more round shaped than Arabica beans.

The Difference Between Arabica and Robusta

Arabica beans are considered higher quality than Robusta beans due to their unique characteristics and taste profile. Arabica beans are typically grown at higher altitudes and in cooler climates, which results in a slower and longer maturation process. The beans are picked by hand at their peak maturity. This prolonged growing season allows for the development of complex flavors and aromas in your cup.

Arabica coffee cherries
One of the main benefits of Arabica beans over Robusta beans is their lower caffeine content and lower acidity. Arabica beans contain about half the amount of caffeine compared to Robusta beans, making them an excellent choice for coffee lovers who may be sensitive to caffeine. The lower caffeine content in Arabica beans also results in a smoother and less bitter taste profile, which is highly desirable among coffee connoisseurs.
At Rudy Coffee, we only roast specialty grade Arabica coffee beans. These are the best quality coffee beans from the Arabica species that score 80 points or above on a 100-point scale by certified coffee tasters. These beans are known for their superior flavor, aroma, and lack of defects compared to other coffee grades.
unroasted arabica coffee beans

We artisan roast these high quality beans in small batches to insure the sugars in the beans are caramelized just right. After roasting, the beans are air cooled instead of quenched to preserve their integrity and flavors. This process takes longer, but ensures Rudy Coffee consistently delivers the highest quality coffee possible.

So, next time you brew your next pot of Rudy Coffee, notice the difference in quality by serving it without cream or sugar. Compare that to any restaurant or grocery store coffee and taste the difference in smoothness and flavor. Your best cup of coffee will be the one you make at home with Rudy Specialty Coffees.

Rudy Specialty Coffees

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